Bethany Bereavement Support Group takes complaints seriously, whether it is about someone's conduct or behaviour or because someone has not adhered to agreed policies and procedures.

It is the guiding principle of this Complaints Procedure that a solution acceptable to all parties will be sought where possible.

Complaints may be brought by:
1. Any person attending the Bethany Support Services
2. Any person engaged in Bethany Training
3. Any person in other contexts who has a complaint about a named Bethany Volunteer

A complaint may also be brought in good faith by a Bethany Support Volunteer in the event of serious concerns about another Bethany colleague's ability to represent the organisation.

All complaints will be addressed in writing to the Chairperson of the General Executive Council (GEC) and signed by the complainant.

1. In the event of the complaint being in relation to the Chairperson, correspondence should be addressed to the Spiritual Director and signed by the complainant.

2. Anonymous written complaints are not valid and cannot be processed.

3. Only complaints made within one year of the event complained of will be considered.

4. Permission will be sought in writing from the complainant to show the complaint to the person in question.

5. If this permission is not forthcoming, the complaint cannot be dealt with.

6. Where permission is granted in writing the complaint will be forwarded to the person in question and they will be asked to respond in writing within one month. They will be informed that their response will be forwarded to the complainant.

7. Meetings with either or both parties will be arranged and each may be accompanied by a support person if they so wish.

8. If the complainant is satisfied with the written response and/or meeting, if availed of, the procedure is completed at this stage.

9. If the person making the complaint is not satisfied with the outcome, either the response or the meeting, they can take the matter further and appeal the outcome.

10. If the GEC are concerned that any issue of Child Safeguarding/Protection or Vulnerable Adult Protection is involved it will be the responsibility of the GEC to report the matter to the relevant authorities.

Revised and Approved November 2019 by Bethany GEC